

Industry information

Features of oil cooler

Features of Oil Cooler
1. The water-cooled oil cooler uses water as the medium for heat exchange with oil. The advantage is that the cooling effect is better, and it can meet the requirements of relatively low oil temperature (the oil temperature can be lowered to about 40 °C). The disadvantage is that it must be It can only be used where there is a water source.
2. The air-cooled oil cooler uses air as the medium and oil for heat exchange. The advantage is that the air is used as the cooling source, which is basically not limited to the place where it is used, and it is environmentally friendly. The disadvantage is that it is affected by the ambient temperature. The oil temperature cannot be lowered to the ideal temperature (it is generally difficult to reduce the oil temperature to only 5~10°C higher than the ambient temperature by air cooling).
2022/06/14 13:24:19 334 Number

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